
Cholesterol is a fat (lipid) which is produced by the liver and is crucial for normal body functioning.

Cholesterol takes a lot of time to affect health, so don’t panic if high cholesterol is detected. While treating the patients we take into consideration the causes and triggering factors for each individual case of high cholesterol. Most of our patients respond well within three months. If this happens, we continue medication for three more months and then stop. Later on we monitor the patients lipid profile regularly. All patients cannot be cured, so in those circumstances we try to control the cholesterol.

He has a great success rate in treating conditions like

Sinusitis, migraine, cervical spondylitis, tinnitus, sweaty Palms, and stammering. Issues like piles, kidney stones, arthritis, heel pain, Pcod, and infertility have shown fruitful results. Other problems like warts, Thyroid, cholesterol, alopecia, and many other diseases have shown rewarding outcomes by Hussain Kaisrani.

He has data and testimonials for all the diseases which are shared on the website

He is in the process of doing formal clinical trials on many diseases to create scientific validity which will be shared as soon as it is completed.

We get a lot of patients who have just been diagnosed with cholesterol or who have been taking allopathic medications for cholesterol, coming to us asking us if we can help them.

How common is cholesterol?
Around 30% of Worldns have high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

What is cholesterol?
What do you know about cholesterol, apart from what you might have heard from others? Cholesterol can clog your blood vessels, cause heart attacks, strokes, and various other diseases. Do you know anything more about cholesterol? Most of you would not, you only know what others might have told you.

Did you know that ten years ago, the normal cholesterol of a person used to be around 250 to 300, gradually they brought it down to 200 to 250 and further down to 150 to 200, now it’s below 150. Ten years ago, we only used to check total cholesterol levels, now they have added triglycerides, LDL, HDL to the list. It has become very complicated.

The fact is that cholesterol is genetic, if your parents or grandparents have it, you are prone to have it. Diet does influence it to some extent, from my experience diet and exercise can alter your cholesterol to about ten to fifteen percent, the rest depends on your genetics.

Allopathic approach:
In allopathy, they give you statins, once you start taking statins your cholesterol levels come down. But you have to take statins for the rest of your life. Statins have their own side effects. We have had a lot of patients coming to us with muscular cramps and liver problems after taking statins for a long period of time. In fact, a lot of people have fatty liver. One of the most common cause of fatty liver today is these medicines. So there’s no end to this statin story, it goes on for lifelong.

I have had patients whose triglycerides are 3500, he has a drink every day. He is still alright, I know him for the last 15 years and he is absolutely fine.

Homeopathic approach:
Once we start our treatment, in about three months, we have seen that, most people’s cholesterol levels start to come down and if you continue it for over 6 or 9 months becomes normal.

If you are diagnosed with cholesterol, you must not try any other medicines unless you have tried Homeopathy at least for about three months. I am confident that 90% of you after starting our medications will respond to the cholesterol medicines.

People who are already on allopathic medication:
We have had people who are already on statins. We ask them to stop statins and start on homeopathic medications alone and they’ve been doing great, their cholesterol levels come down within few months.

Diet for cholesterol:
There will be little difference with you controlling the diet.

I would suggest, cut off too much of non-vegetarian and oily foods.

Eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, drink a lot of water, do your exercise regularly.

What would I do if I were in your place?
I would for sure not start allopathic medications for cholesterol. I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 3-6 months to try and get rid of cholesterol.

Do not start on any allopathic medications until you have given Homeopathy a try for at least about three to six months. Trust me, nothing is going to happen to you in these three to six months’ time. But if these medicines can help you avoid lifelong tablets, their side effects, and completely cure your cholesterol, isn’t it worth giving it a try?

Stay safe. Take care.

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