Change is fluid, it is a motion on all levels.

The Holy Quran accurately states,

Yet hardship will bring ease. Indeed, hardship must bring ease! (Verse 5-6, Chapter 94).

The path from tribulation to ease, to tribulation and then back to ease again, is denoting motion, and that motion from one state to another is vital for us to understand the difference between the two states and without that profound movement one may not understand the value of one over the other. Oftentimes change is only perceived as something that is desirable to oneself, something that can only be good, yet just like all good is relative to the one experiencing it, so is the change, which can come in any form or shape. Making that act of change itself what is sought, not the how or why of it. And so it might be that what we consider disagreeable to us in one state might turn out to be a move towards the more beneficial direction in our lives.

The opposite of change is stagnation and it’s that which needs to be avoided at all costs for that’s against the nature of this ever-changing world, stagnation is that which ceases the flow of new concepts, ideas and the revival of human intellect. As human beings we are a part of this evolving universe, our inner self, the microcosm, has to reflect the outer world, the macrocosm, and remaining in a state of regeneration despite the obstacles, is how life always finds a way to balance, bringing about harmony on all levels.

Hey, you know what, I am ending my treatment with the homeopathic doctor!

Shocked to hear that, I asked my friend what had happened. She told me how after almost a month of treatment for her 4 year old spinal issue, she was going to give up on all kinds of treatments since she had observed no changes and wasn’t pain free despite doing everything she possibly could do. This friend of mine had also tried treating her painful condition with conventional modes of therapy for years, but to no avail so I had suggested my homeopathic doctor to her, with whom I was under treatment successfully too. Even though she had decided to give up, for not having seen changes, she was unable to see the biggest CHANGE in her which had come forth in her when she had decided that she was done with treatments once and for all and was just going to go ahead and live with the pain. To a homeopath that’s huge, that’s the CHANGE he has been looking for! But this concept is perhaps quite puzzling to the patient and I will have a take on just that, touching the surface only for that’s a philosophy that one cannot do justice to with any amount of speculation let alone this meagre attempt of an article at doing so.

One of the main problems I have seen with people coming from allopathic treatment to homeopathy, is their need to see an instant relief from pain signaling to them the success of the treatment, and although that might not sound wrong, after all that’s what everyone wants at the end of the day really, the freedom from pain, yet you cannot call that being truly healthy.
And it needs to be understood that the rapid change of being pain free is very much so possible to achieve with a homeopathic treatment too but it is highly subjective to the susceptibility of the patient under care yet it isn’t the imminent goal of the healer either.

Because what’s clearly not understood by these individuals is the whole philosophy of cure under a homeopathic treatment, which being a wholistic method of therapy is not just about treating your symptoms alone, but it is in fact about treating YOU as all of YOU and your symptoms are YOU! The way YOU think, the way YOU talk, the way YOU attend to your day to day affairs, all constitute as signs and symptoms pointing to the homeopathist in the direction of curing the patient.

The limited scope of the allopathic model of therapy, instills the same limited view of health and wellbeing in the patient, as it is based on, when they resort to treating the latter in parts and not as a whole. The individual unfortunately remains unaware of the fact that this is a completely obsolete way of trying to achieve wellness and has been discredited by the great physicians of the yester year centuries ago. Yet the field of medicine remains bound to these outdated practices of removing the troubling body part or managing the pain superficially as a way to cure the sick. Due to this belief system the poor patient cannot be blamed when he simply thinks that the doctor’s first and foremost job is to make one pain free, and that too at any  cost without taking the whole patient’s case into consideration.

Pain management is crucial, especially during emergencies, but the narrow definition of health that the common man has grown and learnt to accept very early on, has been ingrained in us so deeply that even when we pay the price of suffering the various side effects, resulting from this management, one very conveniently justifies that with “if there is no pain, there is no gain” mentality.

Fever, cough, inflammation, upset stomach, pain anywhere in the body, you name it, all the physician has so far been doing is to suppress those symptoms, to provide instant yet temporary “relief”.

But one would think that the desired outcome ultimately should be a happy patient whom you should not be seeing for any other issues anymore in the near future, right? But why is that not the case? Why are there hordes of hospitals that are getting fuller and fuller with chronically ill patients? Why has going to the hospital become a matter of routine for all at relatively younger ages even?

One sees an endemic of sicker patients returning to the physician with a seemingly different set of issues every time, yet for a homeopath, they represent only a new manifestation of the former symptoms that were suppressed, pushed to a deeper level and they are now showing up as something more repressive that has resurged with a vengeance. And this is the vicious cycle that most of the allopathically treated patients are stuck in, a disease caused by the so-called disease stopping agents, the so-called modern medicine, which is used in a manner that only facilitates to remove the effects not understanding the cause which is left to fester. The fever reducers, the analgesics, the antihistamines, all are small examples of chemicals that suppress the exact symptoms that are our body’s way of telling us that I am doing my job so please do not interfere, for if you do so, you are essentially weakening your body’s defense mechanism to do it’s innate duty, which is to heal.

And the one who reflects or thinks like a homeopath cannot under any circumstances call this form of suppressive treatment a cure or anything remotely close to it. Homeopathy, a sound marriage of artistically and logically interpreted science, with it’s feet ground firmly by the principles of true cure, wants only to change the way cure has been looked at for so long, so this endless cycle of suffering stops and people can finally move towards health on all levels in a gentle and constant manner that lasts for generations to come.

And by far the gravest mistake made by the one getting the homeopathic treatment is to cut off the treatment midway, when they aren’t able to see rapid results, namely no pain but in homeopathy one believes that the results are highly dependent on one’s own susceptibility to cure and state of health. The more the person has been treated suppressively, been subjected to mental and emotional trauma, been prone to the adverse effects of the environmental stresses, the more their health has been affected and will need the same amount of necessary and persistent care. The homeopath, consistently watches his patient, paying close attention to even the slightest changes of any sort, which serve as a guide for him to keep moving forward in the direction of cure with precision. During this time all the patient has to realize is that any change is good, at any level, in any form. The individual himself is in reality either one’s own friend or foe, the cure is just trying to get one in touch with that reality found deep within us, it is the constant reminder to ourselves that we ourselves are responsible for our pain and we ourselves shall rid us of it by making the right choices.

The science of homeopathy if properly understood and sought after has time and again proven it’s efficacy over the centuries with its highly individualized and therapeutic approach towards total health. It rids us of the mentality of taking the symptoms as an enemy that need to be overcome in return changing our perspective to recognizing them as friendly reminders of an underlying cause that needs our attention and that cause could very well be on either the mental, emotional or physical level.

The use of similars to cure, is to take a substance from nature which has been proven to cause a certain set of symptoms in a healthy individual, will work to remove that same set of symptoms in the dis-eased person. Homeopathy means likes shall cure likes, which is a basic principle of nature, and it relies on this time tested principle which prompts and supports the body to take the necessary actions passively or assertively to take care of itself. That substance’s effect being similar to the dis-eased state shall not cause harm due to it’s affinity to evoke those same symptoms in the healthy. That can perhaps be called antidoting of sorts, but the minimal doses given to activate cure at the dynamic level to energize your vital force or your immune system, have been made safe for use by the process of potentization which effectively neutralizes the toxicity of any substance replacing it with the remedial properties of that substance.

It is a simple concept that has been in place for eons yet it remains obscure due to the takeover of the field of health by those who are more interested in making money off of the chronically ill patients, who are trapped in an endless cycle of trying to fight the disease off with chemicals which are themselves the cause of their malady and as long as they remain under that treatment they will never be able to truly cure but will be living in a state of palliation causing constant distress on personal and social planes. And so, the choice remains ours to make, whether we want to change or remain motionless within this dynamic cosmos?

For that is the first step towards health, the understanding that we can’t just be spectators sitting on the sidelines watching as the world changes, thinking there isn’t anything we can do about it and leave it up to others to make the decisions that affect us, but we will be proactive and be a part of that change if need be with the right tools to help us.

Instead of being scared of pain, will we embrace it as a sign from within ourselves that perhaps we have become too lazy to reflect, stagnant in thought and complacent to our bodies being raped of true health, so that now it is screaming for help and a change which is direly needed in order to heal and reverse the harm as soon as possible?

The choices always were and remain ours, we just need to make the right ones.


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